Facebook and privacy: An oxymoron
Privacy in the digital environment is currently the subject of intense debate and concern among users. Facebook, as one of the most popular and controversial platforms, faces criticism about its ability to protect the privacy of its users while continuing to collect and use personal information for advertising and service improvement purposes. This raises legitimate questions about the underlying intentions of the platform. Following the perspective of Alfredo Vela, who highlights the vulnerability of privacy in the digital age, it is pertinent to consider his statement: “The moment something leaves your computer, it is no longer private, sometimes even before it leaves”. Historically, the concept of privacy has evolved significantly, from its roots in classical philosophy to its application in the contemporary digital context. This article explores the relationship between Facebook and privacy, analysing the evolution of the concept, the creation of social networks, cases of privacy violations on the platform, the perspectives of relevant authors, and users' perceptions of their privacy in this environment. The analysis focuses on the inherent contradiction between privacy and the functioning of Facebook, and evaluates the measures taken to protect users' personal data. The findings show that Facebook collects a wide range of personal data, including profile information, browsing history and location data. These privacy breaches pose significant risks, such as identity theft and cyberbullying, leading to a growing distrust of the platform. In conclusion, protecting privacy on platforms like Facebook is a shared responsibility. Users need to be aware of the implications and consequences of what they post, recognising that every post, photo or comment can have a far wider reach than they realise. In turn, companies must provide clear and accessible privacy management tools and ensure ethical use of information. Only through active collaboration between users and platforms can a safer and more respectful digital environment be created, where all parties feel valued and protected.
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