Focus and Scope

The editorial committee from the “Ingenería y Región” journal, encourages professionals, researchers, teachers, students, administrators and executives from the engineering faculty to submit their contributions or their unpublished papers that are focused to general topic: Engineering and Growth.  These articles should be the results of a research, a practical experience or a critique of a specific topic (see typology). Besides, the articles should be within the thematic of engineering, biotechnology and related

Taking into account the rating made by Colciencias based in the UNESCO’s codes, every article is part of a discipline, specialty and subspecialty. Also, the articles must fulfill the following typologies (Colciencias, 2006):

Article of scientific and technological research: It is a document which represents in a detailed way the original results of ended research projects. The structure of this document at least has to include: abstract, introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.

Reflection article: It presents the results of an ended research, which is seen from an analytical, interpretive and critical author's perspective on a specific topic, using original sources.

Review article: It is a document product of an ended research where the published and unpublished research results are analyzed, systematized and integrated. With the final purpose to report back the advances and trends of development in a field of science or technology.

Short article: It presents in a briefly way the original preliminary or partial results   of a scientific and technological research, which usually requires prompt dissemination

Case report: It is a document which presents the results of a particular situation study.   This document has the purpose to announce the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. In this document it is include the systematic review of the literature on similar cases

Letters to the editor: Here you will find points of view, analytic or interpretative critics about published in the journal. Taking into account that for the editorial committee’s opinion those critics constitute an important contribution to the discussion of the topic by the scientific community of reference.

The “Ingenieria y Region” journal addresses aspects related with investigation and experimental developments in any of the engineering disciplines. That is why it Is a fundamental requirement that contributions be framed in this type of subject matter. Since 2014, taking into account what was agreed between the Editorial Committee and the Editor, it is considered to include research related to Biotechnology.

Peer evaluation process

The contributions for the “Ingenieria y Region” journal will be submitted to consideration by the Editorial committee. It will examine the articles which fulfill the established publishing standards. The editorial committee will request the authors for the changes in every case. The articles that comply the publishing standards will be sent to at least two external evaluators (assessors). The evaluators will issue their written concept about the quality and relevance of each contribution, recommending: publication without corrections, publication with corrections and Not suitable for publication.

Form to evaluate articles / research notes

Information of Evaluators

Frequency of publication

The “Ingenieria y Region” journal was first published in 2001, it has had an annual periodicity and since 2014 it is published every six months.

Open access policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that providing open access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.



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