Technical feasibility for the creation of a complex wind power generator electrical in the department of Huila

Viabilidad técnica para la creación de un complejo eólico generador de energía eléctrica en el departamento del Huila


Jesús David Quintero Polanco
Johan Julián Molina Mosquera
John Serrato

Humanity is now doomed in an energy and environmental crisis, due to global overheating generated by the production of conventional energy, so a medium-term solution to this problem, which in this case will be the creation of a wind farm presents It is offering a change in the rational, accessible and clean energy; because it is one of the major concerns of the countries that signed the Kyoto treaty. That is why Colombia has a high potential in renewable resources, which should be aware of the proper and efficient use of these resources. The methodology is based on finding the most intense wind that occurs in the region of Huila department based on the research data it has collected on registration IDEAM for over 10 years.



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Author Biographies / See

Jesús David Quintero Polanco, Surcolombiana University.

Msc. Electronic Engineer.

Johan Julián Molina Mosquera, Surcolombiana University

Msc. Electronic Engenieer

John Serrato, Universidad Surcolombiana

Electronic Engenieer

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