Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from artisanal and commercial dairy products against Escherichia coli


Bryan Leal Rojas Universidad Surcolombiana
Claudia Milena Amorocho Cruz Universidad Surcolombiana

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) stand out for their ability to produce substances with antimicrobial activity such as organic acids, hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins, therefore, the isolation and identification of LAB strains was conducted from yoghurt and cheese of artisanal or commercial elaboration from the Huila Department of Colombia.
Once isolated antimicrobial activity was evaluated against strains of pathogenic Escherichia coli (isolated from restaurant Surcolombiana University and a peddling aji. using different methods: presence of cells (disk method), absence of cells (well method) with neutral and acid pH. The results obtained in the antimicrobial activity by the BAL, opens the possibility of offering to the local semi-industrial, artisanal dairy industry and to consumers, information that will help them to produce food (Yogurt and Quesillo) with attributes of quality, and probiotic potential with antimicrobial activity, positioning them as a functional food. The results of the physical and chemical characterization of dairy products (Yogurt and Quesillo), elaborated and distributed in an artisanal and semi-industrial way in the department of Huila, are of great relevance not only to guarantee their quality and acceptability in the market for the consumers; but also as a useful identity tool to classify the different types of quesillos and yogurts.



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Author Biographies / See

Bryan Leal Rojas, Universidad Surcolombiana


Claudia Milena Amorocho Cruz, Universidad Surcolombiana


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