Effects concrete strength simple for use of residual water mix treated from WWTP Cañaveralejo

Efectos en la resistencia del hormigon simple elaborados con agua residual tratada proveniente de la ptar cañaveralejo


Andrés Saúl Calderon Linares
Maria Jeimy Burbano Cerón
The resistance of concrete mixture’s behavior prepared with treated wastewater was analyzed in this research. The WWTP “Cañaveralejo” was selected; which domestic wastewater are treat from the city of Cali. From the plant’s water flow the research analyzes the variations of the pollutants in the water concentrations. These waters, at the same time, were compared with the permissible limits established by the ASTM C-94 and NTC 3459 standards; this information is corresponding to the year 2015 and the beginning of 2016. All concentrations are within the limits except Organic Matter expressed as COD and BOD5. A fresh concrete mixture was produced with treated wastewater samples. The formwork, curing and resistance tests of these concrete cylinders follow the guidelines of the INVIAS 2012 Standard. The cylinders made with wastewater were compared with cylinders of drinking water from “El Tablazo” aqueduct of the city of Popayan. The resistance in cylinders made with treated wastewater diluted to 50% with potable water and reached 100% resistance at 28 days, compared to cylinders with potable water (standard sample). Cylinders with 100% treated wastewater obtained resistance of 90% at 28 days in relation to cylinders with potable water. Diluted treated wastewater use does not affect the concrete’s resistance demonstrating potential future use, further investigation into the total use of the same because it is in the limit value of acceptance according to INVIAS 630 of 2013. Similar mixtures are made with residual water at rest for 8 days, resistance results were obtained similar to their non-standing counterparts. The water rested for 8 days does not significantly affect the strength of the concrete compared to the non-rested concrete.


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Author Biographies / See

Andrés Saúl Calderon Linares, University of Cauca

Environmental engineer

Maria Jeimy Burbano Cerón, University of Cauca

Environmental engineer

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