Obtaining of the principals parameters from urban wastewater used in the mathematical activated sludge models through basic characterization

Obtención de los principales parámetros del agua residual urbana empleados en los modelos matemáticos de fangos activados a partir de una caracterización analítica simple


Javier Sánchez Ramírez
Josep Ribes
José Ferrer
María Francisca García-Usach
The wastewater treatment in Spain has been through biological processes such as the commonly used in activated sludge. These processes have been described using mathematical models that describe the elimination of contaminants in the wastewater (organic matter, N and P). The use of these models requires a detailed characterization of the contaminants in the urban wastewater. The characterization of this wastewater is key to the use of these simulation models, both in design and simulation of the wastewater treatments plants (WWTP). This work has used and considered them parameters proposed in the model of sludge activated BNRM1 (Biological Nutrient Removal), being this model an enlargement of the model ASM2d proposed by the International Water Association (IWA). The main objective of this study is a statistical study that allows obtaining relations between the analytical data used for the characterization of the wastewater according to mathematical models of activated sludge. The obtaining of all components of the model mathematical starting from little information having in has that not always is has of all them data necessary to characterize the water, requires the realization of assumptions and considerations based in; the experience of the designer, data found in different plants and data bibliographic obtained from urban wastewater analyzed in different places. The present study is performed starting from data obtained in characterizations of urban wastewater of different WWTP of the Valencia community and Murcia region (Valencia, Spain).


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Author Biographies / See

Javier Sánchez Ramírez, Department I+D purification of waters of the Mediterranean.

PhD. engineering chemical processes and environmental. Department I+D purification of waters of the Mediterranean.

Josep Ribes, U. Politécnica de Valencia (España).

PhD. hydraulic engineering and environment

José Ferrer, University of Valencia (Spain)

PhD Professor Dept. chemical engineering.

María Francisca García-Usach, Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain)

PhD Professor School of Roads.

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