First data of bioaccumulation of heavy metals in bryophytes
In Venezuela, there are studies of the air quality using lichens the absence of even a report with bryophytes land. In this sense, this research aims to, assess the capacity of the bryophyte native through the study of the bioaccumulation of heavy metals, through the passive monitoring. The development of the study was collected different bryophytes, in a protected area called Topo, Itagua, located behind the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB).
The contents were analyzed in Fe, Cd, Zn, Cu and Pb, with inductively coupled plasma optical emission
spectrometry (ICP-OES) and Hg by fluorescence Analyzer. Enrichment factors were calculated through soils in situ, not impacted by anthropogenic activities. The results show the first bryophyte Tortella humilis and the Tortula sp. as potential accumulator of Zn, as well as the Pottiaceae sp. of Zn and Cd bioacumular. The teachers parking lot, is the place with the highest enrichment with Cd and Zn factors and may be considered the danger zone for the people working at the UCAB. It is suggested to continue in the Topo Itagua adjacent sectors in order to increase sampling density to expand the type of environment and consolidate the UCAB ground reference material.
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