Potential for the reuse of effluent from the Timaná-Huila wastewater treatment plant for irrigation of star grass (Cynodon Plectostachius)

Potencial de reutilización del efluente de la planta de tratamiento de agua residuales de Timaná-Huila para riego de pasto estrella (Cynodon Plectostachius)


Ana Milena Almario
Yury Samara Ortega
Edinson Mujica Rodriguez

The treatment of wastewater is a need that society has to protect the environment and ensure human well-being, while the treatment of treated wastewater is important in the integrated management of water resources. In this study, a bibliographic review, collection of soil and climatological information, hydrological and nutritional requirements of the star grass, and calculation of the efficiency of the Timaná Wastewater Treatment Plant were carried out. According to the results of the investigation, it was determined that the effluent belongs to the class C2S1, which indicates the water is suitable for irrigation, with danger of medium salinity and low alkalinity. The guidelines of the World Health Organization that belongs to category B are also indicated for their microbiological risk and that is the irrigation of the grass crop, which requires adequate monitoring of public irrigation. The study area has an annual water deficit during the months of January and February, and June to September. The effluent as irrigation for the cultivation of Star Grass, can irrigate on average 97 Has and contributed macronutrients in the following quantities: Nitrogen 19.634 kg.year-1, Phosphorus 762.5 kg.year-1 and potassium 7570 kg.year-1, for the year 2018, supplying the hydric and nutritional requirements in the cultivation of star grass.



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Author Biographies / See

Ana Milena Almario, Universidad Surcolombiana

Estudiante de Ingeniería Agrícola, Universidad Surcolombiana Sede Pitalito

Yury Samara Ortega, Universidad Surcolombiana

Estudiante de Ingeniería Agrícola, Universidad Surcolombiana Sede Pitalito,

Edinson Mujica Rodriguez, Universidad Surcolombiana

Maestro en Ingeniería Agrícola y uso Integrald e Agua, Docente de Tiempo completo Universidad Surcolombiana Sede Pitalito, km 1 vía el Macal-Pitalito

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