Physicochemical characterization of rainfall in the area of influence of the San Agustín archaeological park, Huila department, Colombia

Caracterización fisicoquímica de las precipitaciones en el área de influencia del parque arqueológico de San Agustín, departamento de Huila, Colombia


José Joaquín Pinedo Hernández
Gabriel Herrera Torres
Luz Botero Rojas
Angela Aparicio Lozano

This project assessed the physicochemical potrayal of the precipitation in the influence area from archeological park San Agustin located in the department of Huila, Colombia. Moreover the possible anthropogenic source associated that can generate variation in the physicochemical features of the precipitations and the possible effect of it in the statuary. It was determined the physicochemical parameters: pH, conductivity, nitrate, sulphate, acidity, temperature in four sample spots (mesita A, B, C, D). It has been made the Pearson correlation analysis, main components (ACP) and cluster (CA) to verify meaningful relations between criterias in the rain samples and the common origin between criterias. The variables; conductivity, acidity and sulphates shows statistically differences meaningful in time function and sample stations. The statistic analysis multivariate, main component and conglomerate suggests that the variation of the physicochemical parameters comes generally from anthropogenic mixed sources, bricks´ fabric industry, agroindustry of panela. The composition of volcanic stone of the statuary rich on calcite components have influence in the deterioration processes caused by precipitations.The results of this project allow to reveal an initial comparative spacial diagnosis in four sample spots of the study zone, assess the impact level that are supporting the statuary by the action of the rain and will be useful to follow developing enviromental relief strategies; replying to the necessity in the managment and conservation of the resources. As well it has allowed to obtain a better knowledgment about physicochemical paramters dynamic and the relation with the different anthropogenic sources adjoining.



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