Evaluation of the semi-dry benefit process (Honey) in the varieties of Coffee (Coffee arabica) Castillo, Colombia and Caturra and its effect on cup quality

Evaluación del proceso de beneficio semiseco (Honey) en las variedades de Café (Coffee arábica) Castillo, Colombia y Caturra y su efecto en la calidad en taza



A comparison was made with respect to the cup quality for samples in three varieties of coffee (Coffee Arabica) which were processed through two types of process: Wet (T1) and Semi-dry-Honey (T2); The coffee fruits were harvested in two different stage 20 days apart at the Bellavista farm located in the Pantanos village of the Timaná Huila municipality. The samples were brought to a humidity within 10-12% in two different structures for the solar drying process, where the conditions of relative humidity and temperature were monitored. Subsequently, each sample was stored for a month and then sensory analysis was performed. The information recorded in this research allows to conclude that the coffee processing method does not the total score in cup, for the Castillo, Caturra and Colombia varieties, the mean value for the T1 per variety was 83,46; 82 and 80,84 respectively; For T2 they were 82,87; 82,56 and 82,15; Therefore, both treatments could be defined as specialty coffees.According to the classification proposed by the SCAA, it is also found that the best variety to obtain a rate score applying either of the two process methods is the Castillo variety, since this variety was superior with respect to the other two for the two types of process.



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