Driver drowsiness detection systems: Beginning, development and future

Sistemas de detección de somnolencia en conductores: inicio, desarrollo y futuro


María Agustina Garcés
José de Jesús Salgado
Jesus Andres Cruz
William Henry Cañon
Traffic and industrial accidents are caused by many different factors. Some are due to human error and others, mechanical failure. In an effort to protect lives, many systems have been invented to minimize the impact of such accidents; however, prevention is now understood as more important than minimizing damage after the accident has already taken place. Among the most common human errors that lead to accidents is when a driver or industrial operator is overtired, fatigued or feeling drowsy. Research on this subject began 60 years ago and has developed numerous innovative time systems for detecting states of drowsiness in people using computer vision techniques. There has also been a rising interest in the analysis of brain signals that very precisely determine the different stages of sleep. This paper will review each of the techniques used to detect drowsiness and their importance as active prevention systems for traffic and industrial accidents.


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Author Biographies / See

María Agustina Garcés, Universidad Nacional de San Juan

Doctora en Control Automático. Profesora Universidad Nacional de San Juan. San Juan, Argentina

José de Jesús Salgado, Universidad Surcolombiana

Magister en Ingeniería Electrónica y de Computadores. Profesor Universidad Surcolombiana. Neiva, Colombia – IEEE

Jesus Andres Cruz, Universidad Surcolombiana

Estudiante Ingeniería Electrónica. Presidente Rama Estudiantil IEEE USCO, Universidad Surcolombiana – IEEE Member,

William Henry Cañon, Universidad Surcolombiana

Estudiante Ingeniería Electrónica, Universidad Surcolombiana – IEEE Member

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