Design and implementation of a Remote Lighting Control and Monitoring System Using Android and Board ARM mini2440 Mobile Operating Systems

Diseño e Implementación de un Sistema de Control y Monitoreo Remoto para la Iluminación de una Vivienda a través de un Teléfono Móvil con Sistema Operativo Android y Board ARM mini2440


Jesús David Quintero P.
Eliana Fernanda Tacan C.
Fernando Augusto España C.
The purpose of this project was to design and implement a lighting control and monitoring system for housing, the system was built to a scale of (1:10), and works with an (110V) electrical network. It is operated through a cellular phone with Android operating system. A power amplifier was adapted for each light buld, which adjusts the digital signal to the electrical network. We created a mobile Web application using HTML5 programming language making it possible for the application to be accessed from different mobile devices through either a navigator or a mobile application for Android. This application has a simple graphic interface, which shows where the light bulb is located, as well as an SQLite3 database, which shows how long the light bulb has been on for. This also provides an option introduce an the power output of each light bulb, making it possible for the user to know the value, in pesos, to be paid for the electricity used. This was undertaken because the specifications of each light bulb are different.


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Author Biographies / See

Jesús David Quintero P., Universidad Surcolombiana

Magister docente. Universidad Surcolombiana, Neiva. Avenida Pastrana Carrera 1ª

Eliana Fernanda Tacan C., Universidad Surcolombiana

Ingeniero Electrónico. Universidad Surcolombiana, Neiva. Avenida Pastrana Carrera 1ª.

Fernando Augusto España C., Universidad Surcolombiana

Ingeniero Electrónico. Universidad Surcolombiana, Neiva. Avenida Pastrana Carrera 1ª.

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