Design and implementation of a medical prototype for the treatment and control of Diabetes Mellitus Type 1

Diseño e Implementación de un Prototipo Médico para el Tratamiento y Control de la Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1


Cristian Camilo Polo Caquimbo
Ricardo Quintero Rojas
Jesús David Quintero Polanco
The updating of conventional treatment schemes for diabetes mellitus type 1 together with the development of the most effective biosynthetic preparations led to the appearance of intensive insulin therapy. This type of therapy allows diabetes patients to balance their total carbohydrate intake with the insulin administered exogenously. As such, the treatment allows them to choose their diets in a way that is more autonomous and flexible. However, the difficulty of quantifying the carbohydrates in food with irregular shapes and sizes and the consequent inaccuracy of the doses of bolus insulin calculated to cover food intake, constitutes the main inconvenience of the treatment from the patients’ perspective. This article presents the design and construction of a prototype carbohydrate counter that quantifies the carbohydrates according to the weight of the food. Such a design is new in the national industry and is at the forefront of new technology for diabetes. We also present a mobile application associated to the device that provides an interactive interface for users allowing them to calculate the insulin bolus according to their needs. The results obtained and the scientific studies cited exalt the great potential of this prototype to help diabetes patients control their pathology.


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Author Biographies / See

Cristian Camilo Polo Caquimbo, Universidad Surcolombiana

Ingeniero Electrónico. Universidad Surcolombiana. Av. Pastrana Carrera 1a. Neiva, Huila, Colombia. 

Ricardo Quintero Rojas, Universidad Surcolombiana

Ingeniero Electrónico. Universidad Surcolombiana. Av. Pastrana Carrera 1a. Neiva, Huila, Colombia. 

Jesús David Quintero Polanco, Universidad Surcolombiana

M. Eng. Ingeniero Electrónico. Universidad Surcolombiana. Av. Pastrana Carrera 1a. Neiva, Huila, Colombia. 


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