Wireless four-channel electromyograph (EMG) for the measurement of electircal muscle activity

Medidor de actividad eléctrica muscular cuatro canales electromiógrafo (EMG) inalámbrico


José de Jesús Salgado P.
Lismar Tobías Córdoba M.
Michael Javier Dussan M.
This article presents the multiple stages of the development of a low-power pocket four-channel electromyography prototype, able to record, display and process surface electromyographic signals that originate in the muscles in the top and bottom limbs. Wireless RS232 serial communication and XBee module in transparent mode were implemented for the transmission of data from the prototype to the computer. Finally, Continuous Wavelet Transform was applied to the electromyography signals via LabVIEW to obtain the main frequency spectrum, needed to detect patterns and muscle movements and identify any muscle weaknesses or inadequate performance


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Author Biographies / See

José de Jesús Salgado P., Universidad Surcolombiana

Ingeniero Electrónico. Universidad Surcolombiana. Neiva Av. Pastrana Borrero – Carrera 1.

Lismar Tobías Córdoba M., Universidad Surcolombiana.

Ingeniero Electrónico. Universidad Surcolombiana. Neiva Av. Pastrana Borrero – Carrera 1.

Michael Javier Dussan M., Universidad Surcolombiana

Ingeniero Electrónico. Universidad Surcolombiana. Neiva Av. Pastrana Borrero – Carrera 1.

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