Design of a specialized computerizad controller for the experimental farm of the USCO


Faiber Ignacio Robayo B. Universidad Surcolombiana
Raúl Andrés Mosquera G. Universidad Surcolombiana.
Francisco Javier Cortes C. Universidad Surcolombiana
This work is carried out in the experimental farm of the USCO (Surcolombiana University) for the purpose of designing and building a computerized and specialized control for the irrigation system, which is located in the rural perimeter of Juncal, jurisdiction Palermo in the región of Huila, Colombia, in order to adequately control the water supply and save resources in a more efficient and less complex way. To perform this task it was necessary to know the different types of irrigation systems applied in the field of study, the techniques to be used, the variables and tools used for irrigation in order to evalúate and integrate these factors in an instrument that meets the functionality and others academic and research factors of the farm. The result is a specialized irrigation control with múltiple functions obtained through the analysis of the needs presented by the area of application prototype. This device is robust, stable and able to expand their capacity to adapt to the applied field. With this design, not only saving resources and greater effectiveness in the process of irrigation are achieved, but also opens the way for further interdisciplinary work that encourages farm as the main source of research at the hands of the programs Agricultural engineering and Electronics engineering


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Author Biographies / See

Faiber Ignacio Robayo B., Universidad Surcolombiana

Magister en Ingeniería de Control. Docente

Raúl Andrés Mosquera G., Universidad Surcolombiana.

Ingeniero Electrónico.

Francisco Javier Cortes C., Universidad Surcolombiana

Ingeniero Electrónico.

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