Features of data mining

Funcionalidades de la minería de datos


Ferley Medina Rojas
Cristina Gomez
This document has been revised methodology and algorithms used to address a problem of prediction or cluster data according to the information requested. Data mining areas emerge database (data base), data warehouse (Data Warehouse) and large databases (Big Data), as a process of information extraction based on the mathematics and statistics. Being necessary to perform model selection, data exploration, data classification, prediction of valúes based on the data, the modeling of dependencies to solve the problem, the discovery of new rules and visualize the results, with so the analysis and interpretation of the information obtained is obtained. Some applications of data mining are: in education, in the media, in commerce, in the financial sector, in medicine, in agriculture, in social sciences, in public administration, and the technology. To made the extraction process request data, using some algorithm like, linear and logistic regression, Bayesian networks, naive Bayes, trees and decisión rules, logic and neural networks and fiizzy inference is required


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Author Biographies / See

Ferley Medina Rojas, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Msc, Telemática. Estudiante Doctorado en Ingeniería.

Cristina Gomez, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana sede Medellín

PhD. Ingeniería. Área Telecomunicaciones.

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