Developing a software for the modeling of inorganic deposition incorporating formation damage by inorganic deposition in oilfields

Desarrollo de software para el modelamiento de las depositaciones inorgánicas incorporando daño a la formación por depositaciones inorgánicas en yacimientos de petróleo


Carmen Pinzón Torres
Javier Felipe Ramírez
Luis Augusto Guanacas
This document describes the procedure performed for the development of a software called ECOINCRUSTACIÓN whose function is to diagnostícate the reduction in oil production due to inorganic deposits on the reservoir. This tool provides a thermodynamic model that would predict the conditions under which there are going to precipítate inorganic compounds commonly found in production systems, such as calcite, barite, siderite, halite, hemidrita, gypsum and anhyrite. The model is based on the Pitzer's ionic interaction theory, allowing mathematically represent the relationship between the different ionic species present in the brine, and then use other models (Oddo and Tomson, 1991; Mogadashi et al, 2006; Valone and Skillem, 1982) and predict the precipitation of sparingly soluble salts with different physical and chemical conditions. In addition, a model was developed to describe the effect of inorganic scale based on the reservoir models of Robert (1996), Civan (2001) andFadairo (2009); and also it was developed with a mathematicalmodificationproposed by the authors; such modification is made to fit the model to real data. The physical model calculates the reservoir formation damage, the radius of damage, the permeability reduction and additional pressure drop due to the deposition, from thermodynamic modeling results of minerals included in the software


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Author Biographies / See

Carmen Pinzón Torres, Universidad Surcolombiana

Qca. Esp en Educación Matemática,

Javier Felipe Ramírez, Universidad Surcolombiana

Ingeniero de Petróleos,

Luis Augusto Guanacas, Universidad Surcolombiana

Ingeniero de Petróleos,

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