Study of denitrifícation process in SBR reactor fed with the effluent of an anaerobic submerged membrane bioreactor SAnMBR

Estudio del proceso de desnitrificación en un reactor SBR alimentado con el afluente de un reactor anaerobio de membranas sumergidas SAnMER


Javier E. Sánchez Ramírez
Alberto Bouzas
Aurora Seco
Maria Francisca García Usach
The treatment or after-treatment of anaerobic effluent suggests study of various processes that allow the elimination or removal of contaminants. The objective of this work consisted in the study of the ability of denitrifícation under anoxic conditions using different givers of electrons, available in the SAnMBR such as reactor effluent: volatile fatty acids, dissolved methane and sulfur. The importance of this study lies in the possibility of using volatile fatty acids, methane and sulfide dissolved as givers of electrons, for the Elimination of nitrogen. The dissolved methane is a source of very cheap carbón and an effective greenhouse gas, requiring their removal. The SAnMBR reactor effluent contains significant concentrations of ammonium, phosphorus, sulfur, acetic acid and elements dissolved methane and trace. During the operation of the reactor SBR (Sequencing Bacth Reactor) the concentration of nitrate in each cycle remained constant, around 50 mg N03-N l'1 The percentage of denitrifícation retrieved was higher than 60%. The microbiological study, using the FISH technique, showed the presence of bacteria metanotroficas (type I and II), sulfatoreductoras bacteria and denitrifying bacteria in the reactor.


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Author Biographies / See

Javier E. Sánchez Ramírez, Universidad de Valencia

MSc. Estudiante doctorado Dpto. Ingeniería Química. U. de Valencia (España).

Alberto Bouzas, Universidad de Valencia

PhD profesor Dpto. Ingeniería Química. U. de Valencia (España).

Aurora Seco, Universidad de Valencia

PhD profesor Dpto. Ingeniería Química. U. de Valencia (España).

Maria Francisca García Usach, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

PhD Profesor Dpto. Ing. Hidráulicay Medio Ambiente. U. Politécnica de Valencia (España).

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