Environmental impact on the population increase in the municipality of San Gil, Santander


Yuleimy Ramírez Ordoñez Fundación Universitaria de San Gil Unisangil
This research seeks to determine the environmental impact caused by population increase in the municipality in San Gil, Santander (Colombia) during the last ten years, through the identification and description of environmental variables affected by population growth, environmental impact assessment through Leopold matrix. Finally management guidelines were formulated to guide municipal development. The Municipality of San Gil, listed as a generator of various services especially tourism, home to 56% of the population of the province of Guanentá (Guanentá Perspective Plan 2025,2010), with 45,956 inhabitants; given its influence as a provincial capital and main commercial hub of the región. The population dynamics taking place in the town maintains the same national trend: the population is pronounced in urban areas, reaching 84% (Municipal Planning, 2012). The increase in population brings with it the need for increased requirement for food, Utilities, jobs, education, health services, supply of equipment and infrastructure, among others, and as a result increasing liquid discharges, Solid Waste (RSU), emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), loss ofplant cover and species loss, and general deterioration in the quality of life. In San Gil water consumed in an average of 156 1 / capita / day wastewater is discharged at 95.75 1 / s'1 to Fonce River, the main source without receiving treatment, generate approximately 12,721 tons / year 1 MSW; degradation occurs on average 772.419 tonnes / yearGHG and electric energy consumption 6123.891 tonnes / year1 GHG emitted.


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Author Biography / See

Yuleimy Ramírez Ordoñez, Fundación Universitaria de San Gil Unisangil

Ingeniera Ambiental

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