Identification of Thiothrix filamentous bacteria in the treatment of a submerged anaerobio membrane bioreactor (SAnMBR) eílluent

Identificación de bacterias filamentosas Thiothrix en el tratamiento del efluente de un reactor anaerobio de membranas sumergidas (SAnMBR)


Javier E. Sánchez-Ramírez
Alberto Bouzas
Maria Francisca García-Usach
Luis Borras
Aurora Seco
In wastewater treatment, bulking and foaming are problems associated with filamentous bacteria. The identification of these organisms has an important role in decision-making in the operation of was-tewater treatment plants. Anaerobic treatments used for the treatment of urban and industrial wastewater with high sulfate content give rise to effluents containing significant concentrations of sulfur which under certain conditions may favour the filamentous organisms development. In this work, conventional and molecular microbiological techniques have been used to identify ñlamen-tous bacteria (Thiothrix) associated with a sedimentation problem in an activated sludge system treating the eflluent of submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor (SAnMBR) containing high concentrations of sulphide (105 ± 10 mg S-L-1). This study also compares two operational periods and determines the influence of HRT in the process.


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Author Biographies / See

Javier E. Sánchez-Ramírez, Universidad de Valencia (España).

MSc Estudiante doctorado Dpto.

Ingeniería Química.


Alberto Bouzas, Universidad de Valencia (España).

PhD profesor Dpto.

Ingeniería Química.


Maria Francisca García-Usach, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (España).

PhD Profesora Dpto.

Ing. Hidráulica y Medio Ambiente.


Luis Borras, Universidad de Valencia (España).

PhD profesor Dpto.

Ingeniería Química.


Aurora Seco, Universidad de Valencia (España)

PhD profesora Dpto.

Ingeniería Química.



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