Evaluation of drip irrigation systems in cocoa (Theobroma cacao) farming as a strategy for increasing production in the department

Evaluación de sistemas de riego localizado en cultivo de cacao (Theobroma cacao) como estrategia de aumento de la producción en el departamento del Huila


Rodrigo A. Pachón Bejarano
Oscar E. Figueroa Paiva
Jorge Ivan Chavarro Díaz

Given that the traditional production management of cocoa in agricultural areas of Huila causes a rapid deterioration in the resources soil - water due to inadequate irrigation practices with low efficiencies and water bodies exceeding 2500 mm / ha, this article presents the results of the evaluation of three drip irrigation systems (drip, micro sprinkler, micro-hose) with three replications, proposed to incTease the uniformity of water delivery to the cultivation of cacao in three regions of the department.

The average coefficient of uniformity between the three municipalities shows that the most efficient use of water for crop of cocoa system is the drip irrigation with CU = 97.31%, followed by micro-sprinkler irrigation with CU = 96.42% and last but not far off the irrigation system with micro-hose with a CU = 85.06% qualiñed the first two types of systems and excellent uniformity with the last type of good uniformity, which positions this system as a good altemative to solve problems of water shortage in crop of cocoa and lower cost if compared with drip irrigation and micro- sprinkler.



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Author Biographies / See

Rodrigo A. Pachón Bejarano, Universidad Surcolombiana-Neiva.

Ingeniero Agrónomo. Docente


Oscar E. Figueroa Paiva, Universidad Surcolombiana- Neiva.

B.Sc. Ingeniero Agrícola.


Jorge Ivan Chavarro Díaz, Universidad Surcolombiana- Neiva.

B.Sc. Ingeniero Agrícola.



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