Implementation of OpenFlow on NetFPGA

Implementación de OpenFlow sobre NetFPGA


Johnnathan Machado
Andrés Felipe Ramos
Juan Carlos Cuéllar
Traditional networks are designed and implemented with network devices such as routers, switches, firewalls, etc. Each network device has associated functions and is configured with different standards and protocols for packet transmission. But this traditional model is not the only one that exists, today is beginning to impose a new model of software-defined network, known as SDN (Software Define Networks). While SDN also uses the same network devices, the diiTerence is that these networks are using the advantages of programming software, which means to use a universal control interface; this interface Controls the network devices and progTam delivery services or rou-ting packets. This artide presents the advantages of SDN over the traditional networks and displays basic performance tests conducted in a laboratory environment with implementing OpenFlow in a NetFPGA card, in contrast to performance tests conducted with commercial network devices.


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Author Biographies / See

Johnnathan Machado, Universidad ICESI.

Ingeniero Telemático.

Universidad ICESI.

Andrés Felipe Ramos, Universidad ICESI.

Estudiante Ingeniería Telemática.

Universidad ICESI.

Juan Carlos Cuéllar, Universidad ICESI.

Ingeniero Electricista.

Magister en Ingeniería. Candidato a Doctor en Ingeniería Telemática.

Director Programa Ingeniería Telemática.

Universidad ICESI


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