Design and implementation of an inhibitor prototype of cellular


Martín Diomedes Bravo Obando
Juan Gabriel Carvajal Vega
Alejandro Fabián Torres Camacho
This project consistí in the design and implementation of an inhibitor prototype of cellular signáis for a classroom and thus avoid academic plagiarism through the cellular network. There are several techniques to build a lammer, which is known also as inhibitors, being the inhibition technique by noise the most convenient because ofthe great difficulty to access the technical information neces-sary to inhibit signal; the aspects needed to implement this technique are: to know the frequency operating ranges of the target signal and to arTange an analyzer of spectrums. Finally, it was possible to develop a cell inhibitor prototype with an effective behavior within 3 meters around, it is clarified that outside this range (3 to 10 m radius), the communication is inhibited but the inhibition is not so effective, only degrading the quality of the sign.


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Author Biographies / See

Martín Diomedes Bravo Obando

Ingeniero Electrónico C.D.

Universidad Surcolombiana. Neiva.

Juan Gabriel Carvajal Vega

Ingeniero Electrónico e Ingeniero de Sistemas.

Universidad Surcolombiana. Neiva.

Alejandro Fabián Torres Camacho

Ingeniero Electrónico.

Universidad Surcolombiana. Neiva.


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