Sensory Analvsis in Espresso Coft’ee Brewed. A Comparison between


Nelson Gutiérrez Guzmán
Javier Murgueitio Cortes
Nataly Peña Gómez
Three commercial specialty coffees and one fresh specialty cofTee of Huila were sensory analyzed; the samples were make as espresso coffee; the sensory panel was composed by three USA judges, three European judges and four Colombian judges, the samples were evaluated with the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) methodology. The results showed statistically significant di-fferences (p < 0,05) in the samples by judge origin; the USA judges reported flavor notes associated with wood and cocoa, while the Colombian judges reported flavor notes associate with citric and red fruits.


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Author Biographies / See

Nelson Gutiérrez Guzmán

Ingeniero Agrícola. Ph.D, Docente

Universidad Surcolombiana.

Javier Murgueitio Cortes

Gerente General

Mild Coffee Company Huila S.A.S. C.I.

Nataly Peña Gómez

Ingeniero Agrícola. Investigadora Grupo Investigación Agroindustria Usco.

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