Technological characterization and human talent of tlie ceramics manufacturing enterprises of red ceramic in the Huila department


Jorge Sánchez Molina
John Gelves Díaz
Diana Álvarez Rozo
Patricia Ramírez Delgado

The Huila department has located m the Southern part of Colombia, is a región with a great minino potential. standmg out for its enereenc mmerals. precious. non metalhc and materials for constnictioa clay is one of the most abundant resources on that temtory. existing a great ammount of deposits m great part of the department being the most representative case, in the area of Pitalito, where the artcrafts made of this material stand out. besides the existance of a great ammount of productive imits dedicated to the transformaban of this type of mineral m ceramic pieces destinated to the contruction mdustiy as bncks, blocks and tile The present work shows how are the se red clay manufacturing enterpnses of the región elabórate therr products with destmation to the nmstruction industry. analazmg the productive technological economical and human talent aspects that labors there the results of the mvestigation let see that the enterpnses m their mayonty are micro type of industriáis accordmg to the colombian law 905 of2004, ít was evidenced low thecnoloeical leve! compare with the national and mtemational referents in adittion of a low academic formation of the employes that make part of this indiistry.



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Author Biographies / See

Jorge Sánchez Molina

Magíster en gerencia de empresas mención industria, Centro de Investigación de Materiales Cerámicos, Grupo de Investigación en Tecnología Cerámica GITEC, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Cúcuta-Colombia.

John Gelves Díaz

Ingeniero de Producción Industrial, Centro de Investigación de Materiales Cerámicos, Grupo de Investigación en Tecnología Cerámica GITEC, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Cúcuta-Colombia.

Diana Álvarez Rozo

Ingeniera Industrial, Centro de Investigación de Materiales Cerámicos, Grupo de Investigación en Tecnología Cerámica GITEC, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Cúcuta-Colombia.

Patricia Ramírez Delgado

Magíster en gerencia de empresas mención industria, Docente Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Grupo de Investigación en Tecnología Cerámica GITEC, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Cúcuta-Colombia.
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