Vulnerability a the aquifer contamination in yumbo municipality valle del cauca


Jaime Ernesto Díaz
Claudia Lorena Rivera
Julián Andrés Figueroa

The basement of the flat area on the Valle del Cauca is a potential aquifer in many municipalities and represents the best water from human and industrial supplies. As a result of intensive use in some areas, it is necesary to know the aquifer from the effects of movement of contaminants from the soil surface. There represent a threat to groundwater quality and take necessary preventive measures to avoid contamination, due to the high technical and economic costs that would require cleaning.  Im order to know the vulnerability of the aquifer, we conduced a zoning considering different levels of vulnerability in Yumbo's area. There, it was estimated the pollution vulnerability using index methods and overlay GOD and GODS, wich allowed us to know the current state of the aquifer. The systematization of the information analyzed from aquifers in the town of Yumbo, indicated that 30% is low vulnerability, moderate vulnerability 26% and 43% high, only 1% of the study area has extreme vulnerability. To prepare plans and vulnerability GOD GODS intermediate planes were made of the water table, the aquifer was determined conditions, we verified the lithology in the unsatured zone and conduced a soil textural zoning.



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Author Biographies / See

Jaime Ernesto Díaz

Ph.D. en Ingeniería Agroambiental.

Docente Universidad del Valle Cali.

Claudia Lorena Rivera

Ingeniera Agrícola.

Universidad del Valle Cali.

Julián Andrés Figueroa

Ingeniero Agrícola.

Universidad del Valle Cali.

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