Evaluation of MIMO structures on mobile technology LTE fourth generation (4G )

Evaluación de estructuras MIMO sobre tecnología LTE de cuarta generación (4G) de telefonía móvil


Martin Diomedes Bravo
Miguel Angel Sanchez
German Dario Vargas
The project started toward the realization of a software component for the simulation of an LTE system that would allow the evaluation of diversity and MIMO multiplexing
structure. The OFDM modulation for downlink set was used with MIMO structures for implementation in each of its etapas.Se evaluated the system's ability to reduce the
effects of canalrepresentado in Rayleigh fading type, typical of a frequency selective system . This evaluation was performed through the bit error rate ( VER) versus the
signal to noise ratio (SNR). In this way it was possible to quantify the effect that different antenna arrays on system performance , including structures MIMO that are
outside the current standards of LTE technology and give a valuable contribution in terms of certain conditions performance




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