Effects of fermentation time on coffee (coffea arabica) beverage quality


Nataly Peña Gómez
Oscar Barrera Bermeo
Nelson Gutiérrez Guzmán

The effect of fermentation time on physical and sensory quality attributes in Arabica coffee was evaluated, the fermentation time evaluated are 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 hours to compare with the traditional primary process in farmer with 18 hours, the physical variables evaluated are by-products wastage. mucilage wastage and hulling performance. the sensory attributes evaluated are fragrance aroma, flavor. Aftertaste, acidity, body, balance, uniformity, clean cup, sweetness and overall according to SCAA methodology. The results showed highs mucilage wastage with 10 and 25 hours in fermentation time, the hulling performance m all samples result in very high compared with good coffee. the total scores in sensor; analysis and the attributes scores in all samples evaluate they are very similar to the traditional primary process in the farmer, it is very probable to indicate what the fermentation time no affecting the quality attributes in the coffee beverage.



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Author Biographies / See

Nataly Peña Gómez

Ingeniera Agrícola,

Universidad Surcolombiana

Oscar Barrera Bermeo

Ingeniero Agrícola,

Universidad Surcolombiana

Nelson Gutiérrez Guzmán

Ph.D. Tecnología de alimentos,

profesor  Universidad Surcolombiana,

Facultad de Ingeniería.

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