State of the art channels that keep water in a basin

Estado del arte de los canales que sigue el agua en una cuenca


Jaime Izquierdo Bautista

Rainfall-runoff processes are very important m the basins. Identify the channel that follows the water in the basin, it helps to understand its dynamics. Phenomena such as fog condensation, water captured by the foliage, the soil infiltration percolation the contributions of groundwater or river channels are part of the various elements that are part of the basin. Determine transit times that factors involved in determining which methodologies currently used are part of the comments of this article. With the help of chemical tracers, the actual data collection and software developed for this purpose can make predictions of the behavior of the basins.



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Author Biography / See

Jaime Izquierdo Bautista, Universidad Surcolombiana

Magister en Ingeniería Civil.

Docente Universidad Surcolombiana.

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