Identification and description of advancing the process of desertification in the desert strategic ecosystem Tatacoa. Period: 1975-1993


Nelson Humberto Ortiz Palma
Rigoberto Mayor Polania

The study was developed at the north zone of the department of Huila, in the municipality of Villavieja and in the northeast zone of the rural settlement of Mesa Redonda in Tello is the municipality, having an area extends over 51773.39 hectares.

With georeferenced aerial photographs in the year 1975 and using the software ArcGIS 10,1, were done the thematic maps of vegetal coverage for the years 1975 and 1993, from them overlap, and having like the indicator of the process of desertification At-Risk soil coverage, I have obtained the following results, it passed in the year 1975 of an area extends over 2581,4 hectares (5 %) to an area extends over 7659.6hectares (14,8 %) in the year 1993, which gives us an average speed of 281 per year with an address of high expansión toward the West the north corresponding to the rural settlement of La Victoria, San Nicolás Gaviotas, El Líbano, El Cabuyal, Palmira y El Cuzco.



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Author Biographies / See

Nelson Humberto Ortiz Palma

Ingeniero Agricola, Magíster en. Ecología y Gestión de Ecosistemas Estratégicos. Docente Universidad Surcolombiana. Docente Universidad Corhuila.

Rigoberto Mayor Polania

Ingeniero Agricola, Esp Ingeniería Ambiental. Candidato a Magíster en. Ecología y Gestión de Ecosistemas Estratégicos. Docente Universidad Surcolombiana.
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