Development of a Methodology for Well Drilled Logs Petrophysical Analysis in a Trajectories' Oil & Gas Block Exploration Adjacent to the Llanos Orientales Basin


Edgar Chajid Kairuz Trayectoria Oíl& Gas-Bogotá.
Jorge Arturo Camargo Puerto Docente Universidad Surcolombiana Neiva.
Maria del Pilar Amaya Gómez Universidad Surcolombiana-Neiva.

This article presents the develop of a methodology to evaluate the petrophysical parameters for Joropo-1, Ojo de Tigre 1,Ojo de Tigre 2ST,Ojo de Tigre 3 y Camungo-1 Wells, located at the Joropo Block, and Agualinda Well, located the Jaguar Block, both blocks are located in the Llanos Orientales basin . This methodology promotes the application of reliable methods to evaluate formations, leaning on the use of Halliburton’s Geographix Discovery platform.

The parameters of the rock-fluid set that this study is going to evaluate are: porosity, permeability, fluids saturation and water formation resistivity. Water formation resistivity is a parameter that affects significantly the estimation of water saturation, Sw; this is the main objective of the evaluation. Due to the importance of this parameters, were used the methods of Pickett, profile Rwa and Dresser to fulfill this purpose to determine its value and to establish comparison-selection criteria.



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Author Biographies / See

Edgar Chajid Kairuz, Trayectoria Oíl& Gas-Bogotá.

Geólogo, Gerente de Exploración,  



Jorge Arturo Camargo Puerto, Docente Universidad Surcolombiana Neiva.

Ingeniero Geólogo,

Maria del Pilar Amaya Gómez, Universidad Surcolombiana-Neiva.

Ingeniera de Petróleos,


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