Design of an Algorithm for Deconvolving Pressure Derivative data During Wellbore Storage

Diseño de un algoritmo para deconvolver datos de presión durante almacenamiento de pozo


Freddy Humberto Escobar M.
John Francisco Carvajal
Edinson Cortés C.

This article presents the process of designing an algorithm for deconvolved pressure derivative, which eliminates the effect of storage and indicates the radial flow behavior. The design is based on iterative deconvolution method proposed by Jansson (1984). In the validation of the algorithm, we have found that works even on data sets consisting of pressure versus time. However, there is an error, when used with inconsistent data. Acertain degree of inconsistency is normally present in real test data.



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Author Biographies / See

Freddy Humberto Escobar M., Universidad Surcolombiana Neiva.

PH.D Docente 


John Francisco Carvajal, Universidad Surcolombiana Neiva

Ingeniero Electrónico.


Edinson Cortés C., Universidad Surcolombiana Neiva.

Ingeniero Electrónico.
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