Determination of optimum Irrigation Oil Palm at Hacienda Ariguaní , Department of Cesar Detcrmination of Oil Palm Irrigation Optimum Point in Hacienda Ar i Guani , Cesar Department
Was conducted a the Ariguaní farm located in the Municipality of the Copey, Cesar departament, at an altitude of 100 m, average temperature of 30°C and average rainfall of 1275 mm. año-l. We define an optimum moisture range in surface irrigation application for the cultivation of oil palm, range determines the greatest economic benefit of production. In establishing the test is properly the functioning of the irrigation system for the efficient application of water, a fundamental requierement for the testing and operation. The experimental design was available with a randomized complete block with four treatments of moisture stress in soil (1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 atmospheres) an three replications. It is concluded that the optimum surface irrigation for growing oil palm oil palm in the Ariguaní farm is presented at 2 atmospheres of tension that corresponds to the range of 15 to 20% gravimetric soilmoisture, valid results for the first year of production.