Curves as a Tool for Optimization and Dctcrmination of Time of Irrigation
We propose a method for determining the run time using the moistur characteristic curves, the physical properties of soils, the role of foil pedotransferencia net and cenral blood pressure as an indicator of moisture conditions located in the garden, linking different data from the moisture characteristic curves and the physical properties obtained in the laboratory. The determination of the moisture characteristic curves was carried out at pressures of 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 5.0, 10 and 15 bar the pressure membrane method of Richards and the physical properties of 6 different tpyes of soils identified in 6 zones: Eucalyptus, P, E, C, G Orchard and hope farm located in the lower Andes village in the municipality of Algeciras Colombia for the production of Brachiaria decumbens pasture , it was determined the equation of each curve was obtained in a ratio correlation for each area: 0.97, 0.87, 0.95, 0.92, 0.93 and 0.99 respectivelu, thus allowing moisture to get the% pressure increase of 10, 100 and 500 cm - bars in the ange that includes the available water for plants using data from the physical properties and moisture obtained at diffetent pressures was caculated water depth in the soil (LAS) and the run time for each type of soil analyzed, the methodology proposed for correction in the ren time generated by having a pressure type of soil analyzed, the methodology proposed for correction in the run time generated by having a pressure difference between the garden area and another area that can not be supplied on the same day they performed the irrigation zone.