Design, Construction and Evaluation of a Naked Seed Planter for the Cultivation of Tobacco.

Diseño, construcción y evaluación de una sembradora de semilla desnuda para el cultivo de Tabaco


Julián Cesar Velásquez R.
Jhon Fredy Rivera T.

In this research presents the design and construction stages of a naked seed planter and assessing them against traditional planting shower used in the tobacco fields of the department of Huila. As basic parameters, it was determined the average diameter of the seed of snuff through sieve set of soil particle size to determine the output size of the jets and to calculate the slip angles and repose established the slope of the hopper. For the evaluation had 40 plastic trays of 128 alveoli, adding 20 for each implement a total area of 6.6 m2, were taken records of the total time of work, the seeds deposited in alveoli, the alveoli without seed, the germination percentage and thinning seedlings. The drill manual was a 44% savings in total cost of the work and 50.4% in the time used for sowing seeds in trays, plus a 79.3% reduction in the number of seedlings to thin.



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Author Biographies / See

Julián Cesar Velásquez R., Universidad Surcolombiana Neiva.

Ingeniero Agrónomo. Esp. Mecanización Agropecuaria. Docente  

Jhon Fredy Rivera T., Universidad Surcolombiana Neiva.

Ingeniero Agrícola.



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