Partial Recovery of the Concentrate Food of Manure, an Environmental and Economical Alternative

Recuperación parcial del concentrado de la Porquinaza, una alternativa ambiental y económica


Eduardo Valencia Granada
William Artunduaga M.
Luz Adriana Gordillo P.
In order to recover some of the concentrate food that is present in the wastewater produced by the management of 400 pigs in the farm Canaguaros (Rivera - Huila), and in order to use it as feed for cattle, a test was performed to obtain the separation of the solid fraction (the purine) from the liquid at the laboratoriesof Universidad  Surcolombiana College of Engineering. The test was done through the process of sedimentation and then dry ing the recovered  purine. Some standardized  tests were performed at the Laboratory for the Management of Waters to characterize the effluent, and at the same time, it was measured pH, BOD, SS, N, P, fats and oils. The results of this characterization were: pH = 6.7, DBO = 3250 mg/l, SS = 8750 mg/l, G and A = 28.2mg/l, N = 258 mg/l and P = 1020mg/l. The sedimentation time of 2 hours and 30 minutes achieved was the parameter recommended to size tanks for purine sediments.The time to dry the purine into a par abolic dryer sort greenhouse with  concrete floor was 8 hours. On the other hand, into the tanks for sediments, it is expected to recover 402 g/kg of the concentrate food per pig, and to obtain  removal fraction of DBO = 13%, SS = 78%, G and A = 75%, N = 42% and P
= 57% as well.


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Author Biographies / See

Eduardo Valencia Granada, Universidad Surcolombiana Neiva

Magíster en Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental. Docente 

William Artunduaga M., Cooperativa Creer en lo Nuestro

Ingeniera Agrícola


Luz Adriana Gordillo P., Cooperativa Creer en lo Nuestro

Ingeniero Agrícola



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