Characterization of Physicochemical Properties of Soils in the Coffee Zone Isnos Municipality in Order to Establish its Fitness for Use and Handling


Armando Torrente T. Universidad Surcolombiana
Álvaro Ladino P. Universidad Surcolombiana Neiva
For the sake to characterize the properties of the soils of the coffeein the Isnos Municipality, establishing their fitness for use and management, were taken  asreferring of the profiles of soil identified according to previous classification made by the Federación Nacional de Cafeteros (1985), comprising the  cartographic unities of the Coffee Ecotopo 214B: San Agustín (Melanudands);  Isnos (Basalts); El Mortiño (Dystropets); Saladoblanco ( Volcanic Toba); Magdalena (Lithic Ustorthent), among others. Besides  300 random ground samples were analyzed (2008), in the laboratory Multilab Agroanalitica of CENICAFE, that gave the recommendations for the fertilization of the cultivation. Aerial photographs were used and software Autocad, Surfer and Arcgis for georeferencingin a map base and  to create maps of maps of space variability by every parameter evaluated in the analysis of soil, which together with the  statistical analysis allowed us to evaluate the behavior physico - chemical,  demonstrating greater similarity within the soils of  the same unit. The ecotopo mainly corresponds to entisoles and incep tisoles, with acid pH proper for the culture of coffee, high organic matter contents, textures moderately weighed, deficient in phosphorus, without main problems in the other elements. In two sectors presented high values of aluminum, being correlated to low  concentrations of calcium, magnesium and pH. Based on the classification agrologic IGAC, allowed to determine that characterized soil units are suitable for farming, except Magdalena unit. Mainly situate into Class II and III, requiring  moderate practic es of managing and conservation of soils. This classification was formed into a final map scale 1: 25000.


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Author Biographies / See

Armando Torrente T., Universidad Surcolombiana

Ingeniero Agrícola. Doctor en Ciencias Agropecuarias Docente 

Álvaro Ladino P., Universidad Surcolombiana Neiva

Ingeniero Agrícola



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