Design of a Video Surveillance System in the Platform of T elecommu nications for Huila Digita l P r ogram for the Municipality of Palermo


Jesús David Quintero Polanco Universidad Surcolombiana
Jesús Antonio Ramos Universidad Surcolombiana
In this  project, developed for the Municipality of Palermo (Huila – Colombia), it is possible to implement video surveillance system in order to improve the security of the municipality. This system consists of brand - art equipment Pelco, allowing with this excellent quality camera, a range of vision of up to 80 meters and atangles of 360 ° turns, which aid has made a more efficient Police in its efforts to provide security to the Municipality. With the implementation of this system is helping to significantly improve the security of themunicipality and is recovering all the tranquility of its people which was lost. Another major milestone reached with the implementation of this system is the facility for the Municipality of a  network of optical fiber communication, which can be in the forefront of  communications while looking to deploy new services that can be provided over this network are: digital T V, IP telephony and Internet.


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Author Biographies / See

Jesús David Quintero Polanco, Universidad Surcolombiana

Ingeniero Electrónico, Esp. Teleinformática, Docente 

Jesús Antonio Ramos, Universidad Surcolombiana

Ingeniero Electrónico



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