Free time: a source of life in education

Tiempo libre: una fuente de vida en la educación


Ángel Miller Roa Cruz, Dr.
Kelly Julieth Sánchez Arboleda

The results of a quantitative investigation are presented to determine the use that teachers give to free time. The population studied was made up of the 7 education programs with a total of 82 teachers of the Surcolombiana University, in order to determine their interaction with the environment and how they perceive the quality of life and the use of free time in their daily lives, through a recreational activity with their family nucleus. Finally, it is concluded that the teachers of the plant, having so much work load leave aside that free time to recreate, giving priority to the academic obligations.



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Author Biographies / See

Ángel Miller Roa Cruz, Dr., Surcolombian University

Licenciado en Educación Física-Recreación y Deportes - Especialista en Recreación Educativa - Magister en Educación y Desarrollo Comunitario - Doctor En Ocio-Cultura y comunicación para el Desarrollo Humano

Kelly Julieth Sánchez Arboleda, Universidad Surcolombiana

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