Announcement N. 22 . 2017

The Paideia Surcolombiana journal  is the organ of scientific and cultural dissemination of the Faculty of Education of the Surcolombiana University, which publishes works on education. Like the other journals published in this house of studies, Paideia Surcolombiana journal is a publication that seeks to stimulate interest in knowledge and cultural identity, with the firm purpose of building citizenship, and therefore, civil society.

The Paideia Surcolombiana journal, in accordance with the publishing policies of the Surcolombiana University, seeks to promote science in a constructive manner at the service of the community and never to its detriment, by approaching science as an attitude of respect for human life and morality and to promote welfare, improving the living conditions of the whole society. The Paideia Surcolombiana journal when publishing the research results opens a critical door, to the improvement and to the accumulation of knowledge.


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