Mathematical model in the curriculum of the agricultural area in agricultural schools

Modelo matemático en el currículo del área agrícola en colegios agropecuarios


Serafin López Toledo
Gladys Aurora Rodríguez
Mauro Montealegre

This articles have a mathematical model relevant to the agricultural production that relates concepts of the  agricultural and mathematics areas, in such a way that they complement and serve as support for the development of crop planning, research process in production and marketing of the products. It is based on the systemic conception of education and the need for the evolution of the field, with the educational Institution of a technical nature in the region as a focus of projection. Mathematics in the Agricultural Colleges serves as a tool for the technical and scientific development of the field, at the same time it contributes models to be analyzed in the classroom and extrapolated as results for its application in the productive process. The exposed model is a construction that coordinates the concepts of: Arithmetic, Accounting, Statistics, Trigonometry, Mathematical Analysis and the processes of planning, production, marketing and research of pests.



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Author Biographies / See

Serafin López Toledo, Colegio Nacional Antonio Baraya

Especialista en Educación Matemática con énfasis en la Aplicación de los Sistemas Dinámicos, profesor del Colegio Nacional Antonio Baraya, de Baraya Huila.

Gladys Aurora Rodríguez, Núcleo Escolar La Arcadia

Especialista en Educación Matemática con énfasis en la Aplicación de los Sistemas Dinámicos, profesor del Núcleo Escolar La Arcadia, de Algeciras Huila.

Mauro Montealegre, Universidad Surcolombiana

PHD en Sistemas Dinámicos, profesor de la Universidad Surcolombiana.


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