What has happened with the indigenous students admitted by the special regime?

Qué ha pasado con los estudiantes indígenas admitidos por régimen especial


Ana Lucinda Pachón Maldonado

The university has been considered as the institution where thoughts are freely expressed. There are different socio-cultural expressions and where there should be no distinction of cultures, races, politics or religious creeds. For this reason, the Universidad Sur Colombia, echoing these principles and especially the recognition of equality that the Political Constitution of Colombia does in 1991, has involved processes that allow it to have in its educational community students from different groups of our society Colombian. In this way,  currently we have students of the Community Colombo african, displaced students, reinserted students and students coming from the Indigenous Communities. The USCO grants a quota per program to students from recognized indigenous communities (agreements of the Superior Council No. 012 of April 22, 1997 and No. 018 of May 10, 2002.

Since the second period of 1997 to the second period of 2003, the University has given this benefit to 51 students from different Indigenous Communities, of which 41 were enrolled in the selected programs, especially in the faculties of health, engineering and law, the Most of these students have been presented by the rulers of their Cabildos of origin, with the hope that their training will be reversed in the development of their communities.



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Author Biography / See

Ana Lucinda Pachón Maldonado, Universidad Surcolombiana

Magister en Investigación y Evaluación Curricular
Docente Departamento Psicopedagogía


Acuerdo Consejo Académico. No 012 del 22 de abril de 1997.

Acuerdo Consejo Superior. No 018 del 10 de mayo de 2002.

Arango Raúl-Sánchez Enrique (1999). Los pueblos indígenas de Colombia, 1997. TM editores, Santa Fe de Bogotá.

Arango Raúl-Santos Enrique (2004). Los pueblos indígenas de Colombia en el Umbral del Nuevo Milenio, Departamento Nacional de Planeación, 2004 Quebecor World Bogotá S.A.

Actas Comité de Admisiones, años 1997 a 2003.

Archivos Oficina de Registro y Control Académico, años 1997 a 2003.

Diagnostico Departamental de Salud del Huila (2003). Secretaría de Salud Departamental.

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