The discourse like the articulation of voices

El Discurso como Articulación de Voces


Luis Alfonso Ramírez P.

of A conception of discourse is proposed as a process of articulation of voices in the voice of an individual producer and based on the voices of culture and the social group in which the insividual constructs his act of communication. The voices of cultural knowledge are presented as the results of acts of budgets of the knowledge of the interlocutors, within an assumed social order; voices with which the voice or speech of the speaker is formed but depending on the interests and knowledge mastered.



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Author Biography / See

Luis Alfonso Ramírez P., Universidad Surcolombiana

Profesor de teorías del discurso y de la comunicación. Estudios en lingüística, Literatura, y educación. Autor de libros y artículos sobre el lenguaje y el discurso literario, pedagógico, periodístico. Miembro Correspondiente de la Academia Colombiana de la Lengua y delegado para Colombia de la Asociación Latinoamericana de estudios del Discurso.


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