Education, civilization and development

Educación civilización y desarrollo


Myriam R. Posada M.

The title education, civilization and development synthetizes the intertextual, multicultural and thematic relations, associated with educational, political and social problems poetized in Latin American literary works. The work of Sarmiento, Facundo or Civilization and Barbarism is reviewed as a discursive reference of the poetized theme and of the current pedagogical discourse in Latin American society.



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Author Biography / See

Myriam R. Posada M., Universidad Surcolombiana

Magíster en Literatura Hispanoamericana
Docente Programa de Lengua Castellana
Facultad de Educación


Domingo, Faustino Sarmiento. Caracas: Biblioteca Ayacucho, 1977.

Páginas vivas de Simón Bolívar. Caracas: Editorial Kapelusz, 1980, p. 105.

Rómulo Gallegos, Doña Bárbara. México: Editorial Porrúa, 1998, p. 173.

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