Theoretical proposal of the integral process of literary communication for children and youth in the montecalvo and zoro de Jairo Aníbal Niño

Propuesta teórica del proceso integral de la comunicación literaria infantil y juvenil en el montecalvo y zoro de jairo aníbal niño


Edna Brigitte Triana Rodríguez
Luz Ángela Ortiz Diaz

When studying the panorama of child and youth literary criticism in Colombia, it was observed that it is very scarce and that what little there is is only one of the actors in the literary communicative process84. Maybe because the subject of children's and young people's literature is very recent; since it was hardly revitalized when the ENKA prize was created in 1977, in which Zoro de Jairo Aníbal Niño occupied the first place.

This is where this proposal comes from, which allows analyzing the actors involved in the process of literary communication and at the same time analyzing a representative author in Colombian children's and youth literature, Jairo Aníbal Niño. The following problem was posed: How is the communicative process presented in El Monte Calvo (1966) and Zoro (1977) by Jairo Aníbal Niño?



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Author Biographies / See

Edna Brigitte Triana Rodríguez, Universidad Surcolombiana


Luz Ángela Ortiz Diaz, Universidad Surcolombiana


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Imbert, Enrique. TEORIA Y TÉCNICA DEL CUENTO. Editorial Ariel. Barcelona (Pág. 41-42).

Kaufman, Ana María (1998). Cuarto Congreso colombiano y Quinto latinoamericano de lectura y escritura. ¿Es factible enseñar a leer y a escribir en el mundo actual?

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Rosenblatt, Louise M. La literatura como exploración. Fondo de Cultura Económica. México, D.F. Primera Edición. 1995. p 52.

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Ronsenblatt, Louise M. La literatura como exploración. Fondo de Cultura Económica. México Dc. 2002. P. 155.

Ronsenblatt, Louise M (2002). La literatura como exploración. Fondo de Cultura Económica. México Dc. 2002. P. 116.

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