Reading processes in University students

Procesos de lectura en estudiantes universitarios


Alejandro David García
Luz Ángela Ortíz

This is a research study about the reading processes the university students (first semester) of the Surcolombiana University do, in order to detect how they elaborate predictions with reading, activate background knowledge, set objectives before reading; likewise, if they monitor during the reading and verify hypotheses or predictions, they make inferences, among others; and if they do an evaluation of the reading when they finish the text, in this case if they finish confirming their hypotheses and predictions and generate new concerns with reading and if they are aware of what they have learned.



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Author Biographies / See

Alejandro David García, Universidad Surcolombiana

Docente Programa de Psicopedagogia
Facultad de Educación

Luz Ángela Ortíz, Universidad Surcolombiana

Licenciada en Lengua Castellana

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