Death, the universal and the break in the poetry of Raúl Gómez Jattin

La muerte, lo universal y la ruptura en la poesía de Raúl Gómez Jattin


Jhon Wilmar Rodríguez Díaz

In the sublime moment of opening a book, a universe dazzles before us, without "borders, endings or beginnings ...". The roads for your journey are only options, never the only or the last. In him, the writer, the reader and the critic will be able to be, at least, in some point, thanks to the "geography of the text". But suddenly, never meet again at the beautiful moment that ventures into the world of reading. This is one of its majesty.

Being the book a universe allows different perspectives, in which the reader can manifest. And although theorists have established the instruments for adventure, there is always another option, fruit of the infinite senses of writing.



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Author Biography / See

Jhon Wilmar Rodríguez Díaz, Universidad Surcolombiana

Licenciado en Lengua Castellana

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