Andrey Rubliov The spiritual path of the artist in a period of transition and cruelty

Andrey Rubliov El camino espiritual del artista en un periodo de transición y crueldad


Rubén Darío Flórez Arcila

The film or "kartina", by the Russian director Tarkovsky, is a masterpiece. The perfect integration between visual forms and content opens the sequence of images to multiple meanings and provokes profound ethical and aesthetic experiences. The spectator can contemplate the alternations with sequences of fringes of darkness, penumbra, illuminated planes and delight with the formal virtuosity of the director and the director of photography. The contemplation of the narrative structure that begins with scenes of the popular culture of the peasant Russian vagabonds and ends with the triumph of the improvised bell-maker, in an affirmation of the power of the new religious belief that gives way to the discovery of itself by of the monk Andrey Rubliov. This contemplation of the compositional mastery of the director may be enough.



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Author Biography / See

Rubén Darío Flórez Arcila, Universidad Nacional

Profesor de Semiótica
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