Life is too short

La vida es tan corta


Francois Truffaut

Making a movie is an intelectual act, because this implies a large amount of choices that must be made in addition to the decisions that must be made. In the same way it is an artistic act since taste dictates these choices and these decisions. It is also an emotional act since both our sensibility and our intuition come into play. I think it's a mistake to believe that a filmmaker is just someone who simply wants to say something. A movie of ninety minutes says less things than a newspaper article of three thousand words. On the other hand, the realization of a film lasts about eight weeks during which you only get to record two to three minutes of useful film per day. Because of this slowness of execution by the instrument, I think that the man who simply wanted to communicate an urgent message, would soon understand that it is more effective for him to directly address social action, politics or journalism.



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