Prior elements to the inquiry about critical thinking in linguistic theory by the language graduates: the case of the spanish language program

Elementos previos a la indagación sobre el pensamiento crítico en teoría lingüística por parte de los licenciados en idiomas: el caso del programa de Lengua Castellana


Juan Camilo Puentes
Anthony Forero A.
Karla Ibáñez Perdomo
Alexandra González Herrera

In the present article we will present, first of all, the circumstances that prompted us to formulate the research project. To this end, some experiences that we have experienced throughout the race are discussed, and we also raise some questions that have arisen throughout our training. Then we will present the theoretical framework that we have used in the formulation of the tool, which is composed of critical thinking, some characteristics that make a person or a student a critical thinker and the importance of developing it in the training of graduates in the Spanish language. The second part of the theoretical framework refers to the importance of establishing the form in the teaching of the graduate, the relationship between disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge and how to evaluate it. The last part referring to the framework is dedicated to trying to clarify the object of study of the graduate in Spanish Language, there is questioned the theoretical and methodological processes taught in linguistics for the teaching of the Spanish language, in addition to the importance of Critical Thinking in the graduate in training. Finally, the process of construction of the tool will be explained and the modifications that each of the test activities had, and what will be achieved with them will be argued.



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Author Biographies / See

Juan Camilo Puentes, Universidad Surcolombiana

Semilero de Investigaciones Sokal. Grupo de Investigación IPPE

Anthony Forero A.

Semillero de Investigación Sokal. Grupo de Investigación IPPE

Karla Ibáñez Perdomo

Semillero de Investigación Sokal. Grupo de Investigación IPPE

Alexandra González Herrera

Semillero de Investigación Sokal. Grupo de Investigación IPPE

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